ICT Education @ DISI
DISI - Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science

Mauro Abbattista


I decided to participate in the Atlantis Program because it was a huge opportunity for me to get in contact with the American lifestyle and an American students.

After almost one year in the US I can certainly state that the experience was fantastic from all points of view especially in terms of the experience I gained. It is amazing to see how all my ideas/beliefs before going there were different compared to the reality I found there. You can only understand that by living there.

At Georgia Tech I found a mix of many different cultures: people from all over the world with different ways of life but with one thing in common: the same ambitions.

The classes at Georgia Tech require a high workload and many projects during the whole semester which implies, obviously, a reduced amount of free time; on the other hand the many facilities the campus offers (such as the Campus Recreation Center and the Student Center) give the possibility to exploit the free time in the best way.

Right now I am at the TUM (Technische Universtität München) doing a two month independent research project at the Nano-Electronics department and I am enjoying the time here in Munich.

I strongly suggest both of those experiences, Atlanta as well as Munich, to everyone who has the possibility to apply to this wonderful program.